Quilting tips to get excited about!

Quiting tips for sewers

There are many quilting pitfalls – we help you to avoid them!

We love quilting and lose hours, even days, being immersed in projects that can go on for weeks on end (did someone says “months”? lol). 

The thing is that projects can take a very long time to complete. If you’re a beginner it’s best to start small rather than spending a huge amount of time on a project than can ultimately prove to be rather disappointing!

The absolute best thing you can do – whether you’re a beginner or an experienced quilting sewist – it to find out about as many of those lurking dangers as you can BEFORE you begin.

So here you are! Learn – and most importantly – enjoy!

10 Quilting Tips for Beginners

Thanks to Claudia Mitchell for this excellent starting point, Courtesy of the Felt Magnet website.  Claudia reassuringly points out that she’s still making mistakes after 25 years of quilting – so she’s trying to help you make as few as possible as you get underway.

This wonderful tutorial addresses some key areas for the newbie quilter, such as

  • I can’t see my design clearly
  • My fabric pieces aren’t all the same size
  • Unless fabric care instructions say otherwise, always prewash your fabric.

Top tip: Start with a small project!


20 Time-Saving Tips for Quilters

Some of these fall under the “before you begin” category – and will go a long way towards helping you to avoid those pesky quilting problems.

A number of these can be found on the terrific Geta’s Quilting Studio site.

Hints are so good that you’ll wonder why you haven’t thought of them yourself – including the priceless “Learn how your sewing machine works and use the best tools for it. Find out what are the best needle and thread for any job you have to do.”

Really nice – and simple – tip: “Fill bobbins when you start a new project”. The benefits are obvious when you think of it…


Design a Quilt With These Free Quilt Block Patterns

This intermediate level how-to from the lovely Spruce Crafts blog , courtesy of Janet Wickell  provides access to nine excellent suggestions, including the 10″ wedding ring quilt block pattern, a sawtooth quilt block pattern, and a mosaic pinwheels quilt block pattern (8” and 24″ blocks).

We love chain blocks: “Chain blocks help you form a linking design within a quilt. They can be used as the sole design, or combined with other quilt blocks for a bit more interest.”


Videos: 8 Genius Ideas From the Midnight Quilt Show

Saving the most excitement for last? Quite possibly here…

A different approach with this brilliant resource from the Craftsy blog comprising of videos from Angela Walters of the sensational Midnight Quilt Show.

These mini movie masterpieces convey a real sense of excitement and progress; you’ll want to get stuck in straight away!

We love: “When sewing half-square triangles, it’s easy for the little points to get stuck near the plate of your sewing machine. Thwart this by first sewing a little piece of fabric (called a “leader”) under the plate to prepare the threads and prevent jamming.”


Send us YOUR sewing tips

We’d love to hear from you! We may even publish details and links on our blog. Become part of the Sew & Craft community by emailing your top tips to info@gursewingmachines.com.

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