Claire’s happy accident results in this fantastic bucket style bag!

Claire Roberts made this bucket style bag with her GUR Sewing Machine

Sewing projects don’t always turn out as we intend them to!

No matter how carefully we plan our sewing projects, from time to time things can go south! And when that happens, the temptation is to throw everything away, put the kettle on, or – if it’s a particularly bad experience – open a bottle!

Sometimes walking away, having a bit of a think and coming back again might result in an interesting change of direction. This is certainly what happened to Claire Roberts and her GUR supplied sewing machine, who’s quilt disaster turned into a bucket style bag triumph!

Claire, who comes from Solihull, explained how this happy accident happened…

“I made this bucket style bag; I use it most days. This started out as a quilting project that went wrong! 

“I designed a quilt on paper, but when I sewed it together, it didn’t look how I wanted it, so rather than wasting the fabric that I had sewn together, I decided to turn it into a bag. 

“I interfaced the lining and the outer, and I installed eyelets with the help of a hammer and my husband to punch out the holes.  I embroidered my name and Ice-skates with my embroidery machine, so people at figure skating would know it’s my bag when I leave in the changing room. 

“I installed a pocket using a recycled zip, and the pull tie is recycled from a pair of denim shorts my husband wanted to throw out, I kept the shorts in my denim stash of course.”

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