Kids clothing – loads of sewing tutorials for you! #keepcalmandcarryonsewing

Sewing tutorials by GUR Sewing Machines

Sewing everything from superhero outfits to cupcake skirts…

This really is the age of the sewing machine as never before! So many people around the world are making masks and scrubs to help our beleaguered health services! While many of us are stuck at home, it’s also the opportunity to get to grips with other projects as well: there are so many articles out there which provide fun and useful how-tos.

We’ve put together a list of some of our favourite children’s clothing sewing tutorials for you. There are some terrific ideas here and they should provide help and entertainment for you for many hours to come.

Sewing for kids – some tips to sew children’s clothes perfectly

This one is the perfect introduction, dealing with an overview of a lot of things that you’ll need to consider if you’re embarking on a kids’ clothing project for the first time. It can be found on the excellent Sew Guide website and it covers choosing fabrics, ease of laundering (very important!), comfort and lots more.

Top tip: “Cotton blends which have good qualities of both cotton and the synthetic fibers work very well for making kids dresses. They are less expensive and also less prone to wrinkles so a good choice for kids garments.”

25 great sewing patterns for boys

Amber on her brilliant Crazy Little Projects blog piece quite rightly points out that there are loads of wonder sewing projects for girls, but not nearly so many for boys. This redresses the balance, so to speak.

You’ll find all sorts of stuff from monster, ninja and robots trough to superhero capes. The photos alone are brilliant!

We love: Amber has 4 boys – so she should know!

Cupcake birthday skirt tutorial

OK, so we couldn’t let the opportunity for a certain amount of “cuteness” to pass us by, so we’re finishing this article with two referrals that fall under that category.

Jamie Sanders’s Scattered Thoughts of a Crafty Mom (great title!) cupcake themed skirt is certainly an eye-catcher!

Top tip: “Of course, you don’t need the cupcake fabric, you can use any type of scrap fabric to make cupcake appliques.”

Girls tunic dress

Practical and gorgeous, this offering comes from the Zaaberry Handmade blog – a new one for us.

Simple, elegant and relatively straightforward, this how-to is really well presented and easy to follow.

We love: “My dress took me less than an hour from start to finish and taking pictures along the way.”

Enjoy your sewing projects – and show us how well you’ve got on on our Facebook page. And stay safe out there!

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