At home needing some inspiration? Try these 64 really useful sewing tips!

64 really useful sewing tips

The perfect chance to hone your sewing skills!

Huge numbers of us are at home right now – whether we’re self-isolating, working from home or unable to work. Difficult times for us all. Which is why here at GUR we’ve come up with a blockbuster package of sewing hints, tips and how-tos which will not only give you something to do, it will give you something useful to do!

And of course, it will be fun – we just love any excuse to get those sewing machines working!

So to lighten the mood and bring a bit of enjoyment into the proceedings, we’ve put together a list of 64 (yes, 64) hot tips to save you time, make life easier – and maybe even change the way you sew!

10 sewing tips I learned that changed my life »

Our thanks to the wonderful Jessica R Abbott at Sewing Rabbit for our first port of call. All sorts of goodies here, from how to make your own pattern to the all-important “How to end wavy knit seam syndrome”.

We love: “I might not have ever started my sewing journey if it wasn’t for my Mother getting on an airplane, flying out to Germany, to teach me how to thread my sewing machine properly. Once I could sew a straight line, I was unstoppable.”

10 good sewing tips and tricks »

Another starter for ten from one of our faves – the Threads Magazine website. Some goodies that we’ve not come across before that make this piece well worth having a look at.

Extreme makeovers for example, starts off with used men’s shirts (no, really!) which can be transformed into a scoop-necked blouse.

We love: “Sew perfectly straight topstitching on fabric without marking it by putting masking tape along the fabric to establish a topstitching guide to follow.”

Top sewing tips »

And finally, a whole raft of short, sharp, really useful how-tos courtesy of The Sewing Directory website. Split into general sewing,  machine sewing,  hand sewing, fabrics, patterns and the sewing room, this is the perfect place to mull over when you’re taking a coffee break.

Top tip: “Sewing on ribbon with zigzag stitch is labour saving and looks pretty too, especially if you sew it in a contrasting or complementary colour.

Let us know about your sewing projects!

We’d love to hear from you – get in touch with us on our Facebook page – and we’ll post some of our favourites here on the GUR Sewing Machines blog.

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Our delivery guys can soon beat a path to your door with your new sewing machine from GUR. Have a look at the amazing selection – and get free UK delivery! 

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